49 Days ALONE at Sea: Solo Sailing the Pacific with No Engine
Thank you so much for tuning in to the very first episode of my adventure around our globe. After struggling through the pandemic in Seattle as an under supported middle school music teacher, my windowless classroom left me depressed and depleted. I knew I need a change and decided to put my health first. I listened to the deepest yearnings of my heart which whispered of adventures seen on various YouTube channels of sailors living out their lives in transit from one nation to the next.
While sitting on cold Seattle beach on a bright spring day in March of 2023, I decided that the 2022-23 school year would be my last. I immediately started to look for boats online and a few days later went to look at a boat for sale in Bainbridge Washington. With only 3 weeks of sailing experience I acquired while hitchhiking around Mexico on sailboats, I purchased this boat on the spot as it was really the only boat in the Seattle listings I could afford. The boat was nameless and had been rotting away, untouched, in a slip for 4 years.
I had no idea what I was doing and what to look for. It needed an extensive refit so I immediately hauled it out of the water on the first day of spring break and got to work, hoping that it would be ready by the end of spring break. What a fool I was. For the rest of the school year, I taught all day and worked on the boat all night, slowly chipping away at projects and learning the hard realities of boat ownership. Projects included, refitting the 1970 diesel engine, replacing thru-hulls, building a new rudder, bringing the mast down to change the standing and running rigging, installing solar and refitting the electrical grid onboard, and much more. After a grueling 7 months, Songbird was finally ready to hit the water.
After a few weeks of shakedown cruises and day sails, with heavy winter weather imminent, I left the dock in Seattle for the last time on October 7th 2023 to launch on my mission to sail around the world. I initially planned to be away for a year, but after a few months of the most fulfilling experiences of my life, it became clear that I’d never go back. There was still the financial conundrum to solve…
By the time I got to the end of the savings I had been living on from my life as a teacher, something unexpected happened. I posted a simple reel on instagram and I went from 300 followers to 100k in five days. This kickstarted my ability to support myself through storytelling. And so, with this video, I find myself embarking on another adventure: running a YouTube channel! I am only able to live the life you see in this video through your viewership and support! I plan to use this opportunity to tell the most engaging and inspiring story I can. With your support, my goal is to complete 5 year circumnavigations for the rest of my life, but we will see what the winds have in store for me…
If you would like to get involved and support me, the best way to do so is through my new Patreon: patreon.com/sailing_songbird ( / sailing_songbird )
Intro Music by @brendangone !!!
Thank you so much! Luke